Draft AOSIS Joint Closing Statement Sixtieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies of UNFCCC
June 13, 2024 Ms. Anne Rasmussen, AOSIS Climate Lead Negotiator Download PDFTopic: Climate
1. Thank you, Mr. Chairs of SBI and SBSTA for convening this joint plenary to hear parties’ views on matters taken up at this session, 2. This statement is made by Samoa on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States. A coalition of low-lying coastal communities that are most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. SB Chairs, Excellencies, Colleagues, and dear friends 3. SB60 started two weeks ago in the midst of a wildfire outbreak in Belize, coral bleaching events in several parts of the world, a fatal landslide after extreme rainfall in PNG, and heat waves in India and many other countries. These sorts of impacts, risk leading to permanent loss and damage, and we are pleased that we now have terms of reference in place for the review of the Warsaw International Mechanism for addressing loss and damage in Baku to ensure that it is fit-for-purpose to support our countries in dealing with these impacts. 4. On the science item of Research and Systematic Observation RSO, AOSIS is concerned that we were not able to reach agreement. This is a concerning “First” for RSO. We would have wanted to see an appropriate reflection of the IPCC’s Seventh Assessment Cycle, and the need for IPCC AR7 to inform our process here, as well as substantive reflections on this year’s Research Dialogue on NDCs, key research findings, research needs, and ways to address them. AOSIS firmly stands behind the science, and that the best available science must guide our actions here. We hope and expect to reach substantive outcomes again at our following sessions. 5. In wrapping up our deliberations here in Bonn my fellow small islanders and I are encouraged by advancements in a number of the agenda items, where draft decisions are being forwarded to the COP. Nevertheless, progress has been much slower on several crucial agenda items as we move towards a very critical COP in November. For example, we are deeply concerned over the lack of progress on the agenda items aimed at operationalizing the outcomes of the first GST. We have forwarded much of the work that is key for my group to COP29, which means we may not have the space and time there to fully address work in a number of thematic areas. This will be a significant challenge for our small delegations. 6. At the beginning of SB60 we reiterated our concerns over the proliferation of agenda items and mandated events which is creating significant challenges for our experts as they work hard to keep up. The situation after two weeks has not changed, which is concerning given the number of competing agenda items we will be negotiating in Baku and the fact that we are unable to have a sensible discussion on improving the efficiency of this process.. SB Chairs, Excellencies, Colleagues, and dear friends 7. Instead of creating the space and opportunity for high mitigation impact on the ground, the Mitigation Work Programme appears to be taking a ‘U’ turn away from what our small islands and the global community really need. We are extremely disappointed that after two weeks of hard work, there were no results, and we will have to work even harder to ensure we get results in Baku. Only a substantive decision that implements the outcomes of the GST and talks to NDCs will be acceptable to AOSIS. As we move forward to Baku we need to ensure that we truly deliver 1.5oC-alignedhigh mitigation ambition in our NDCs as this is the only way we will be able to stay within the one and half degree temperature goal that is critical for our survival. 8. The outcomes of the first GST clearly tell us that we need to be far more ambitious in driving climate action and the urgency required to reduce emissions to ensure we keep 1.5 degrees within reach, Therefore, through you we call on the SB chairs and Presidency to prioritize highly ambitious NDCs that are in line with the Paris temperature goal as we head to Baku and Belem. SB Chairs, Excellencies, Colleagues, and dear friends 9. On matters related to Article 6, we cannot afford to continue this vicious cycle of negotiations. It is critical that we move forward and agree on a set of clear rules and procedures for cooperative approaches that are both transparent and respect environmental integrity. Nonetheless, we recognise that progress was made during this session that should pave the way for more robust outcomes both intersessionally and at COP29. 10. In the transparency negotiations yesterday, the conclusions again restrained the ability of SIDS to fully implement the Enhanced Transparency Framework, as developed country parties continue to resist providing proper financial and technical support. Swift and flexible funding is necessary for the equitable inclusion of SIDS and LDCs in the ETF process, which is in the shared best interests of all parties. Our full participation in the review process is key to maintaining alignment with 1.5C and holding all nations accountable. We must maintain our seat at the table. Transparency is about seeing each other. Please see us. 11. For Small Island Developing States, one of the most vulnerable groups, adaptation remains a critical priority as temperatures continue to rise. Concluding the modalities for the UAE-Belem work programme on indicators is crucial so that we can measure progress and ambition in adaptation action and support. This initiative marks a significant step forward in our collective efforts to address climate change with precision and accountability. By developing robust, transparent, and actionable indicators, we can better track our progress and ensure that our strategies are effectively reducing the impacts on our most vulnerable communities. SB Chairs, Excellencies, Colleagues, and dear friends 12. We must ensure that our efforts at COP28 are not in vain. To this end, AOSIS has consistently advocated for a robust follow-up mechanism within the GST outcome, ensuring that the outcomes of the first GST are effectively implemented. The UAE Dialogue provides an excellent opportunity to focus on the implementation of these outcomes within the context of delivering the necessary means of implementation. AOSIS emphasizes that, while these stocktakes will occur every five years, the first GST is crucial for maintaining the 1.5°C target. However, its success will be futile if we do not follow through and implement all outcomes agreed upon at COP28. 13. Finance is the high profile issue for the year. Although we have few formal agenda items on finance here at the SB, finance cuts across all of the thematic areas that we are discussing at this session. Whether it is technology, just transition, transparency, GST, mitigation, adaptation or loss and damage, finance is critical to making progress in all tracks. As we move toward an agreement on the NCQG, AOSIS would like to reaffirm our position that the goal should be fit-for-purpose and it must allow for the full operationalization of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. 14. For small island developing States, accessing finance remains a challenge and our capacity constraints must be recognized. The NCQG must not leave any party or group of parties behind. The train needs everyone on board because collective efforts matter and are the most effective. Most importantly, having everyone on board is the only way that justice can be realised in the process. 15. I thank you, Chairs.
Sub Topic: Mitigation
Meeting: SB52