The 1991 Proposal on Elements for a Framework Convention on Climate Change
1991-06-04 Vanuatu on behalf of AOSIS Download PDFTopic: Climate
Elements of a FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE 4 June 1991 PART I. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL MATTERS 1. PREAMBLE 1.1 Problem overwhelming importance of climate to the global environment and to human society Need to protect atmosphere Scientific observation that human activity is affecting climate in a manner that i s unpredictable and potentially catastrophic The very existence of low-lying coastal and small vulnerable island countries is placed at risk by the consequences of climate change 1.2 Action Need to take immediate action based on the Precautionary Principle so that the consequences of climate change can be averted 1.3 Context of Action Responsibility for the problem lies historically with industrialised countries. Currently responsibility lies with all countries, but not equally: the principle of differentiated responsibility Responsibility _for the solution lies with all countries on the basis of historic contributions and differentiated responsibility, taking into account the special circumstances developing countries, particularly their need for appropriate technology and new and additional funding Responsibility for the Global Commons This convention and participation in the negotiations leading to its conclusion, is without prejudice to the existing rights under international law, existing rights including rules governing international liability for damage to people, property and the environment. 1.4 Relevant International Instruments (a) Declaration of the UN Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) Principle 21: “States have the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction” (b) General Assembly Resolution 44/228 convening the UNCED (c) UNGA Resolution 45/53 establishing the IPCC and determining that action should be taken at a global level to combat climate change (d) The First Assessment Report of the IPCC (e) UNGA Resolution 45/212 convening the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change e) The Ministerial Declaration of the Second World Climate Conference (A/45/696/Add.1, annex III) 2. DEFINITIONS General Language of Convention: “Climate” “Activities affecting Climate” “Climate Change” “Consequences of Climate Change” “Developing country” “Fiscal and other Incentives” “Fossil Fuels” “Greenhouse Gases” [exclude GHGs already the subject of international regulation] “Sinks” “Reservoirs” “Subsidies” “Industrialised/ Developed Country” “International Trade” In the context of Funding: “New”, “Adequate” and “Additional” In the context of Technology Transfer: “Fair and most Favourable” 3. GOVERNING PRINCIPLES This convention shall be based upon and interpreted in the context of the following principles: 3 .1 The Precautionary ·Principle: the principle which operates where there is sufficient evidence to identify a threat of serious or irreversible harm to the environment to establish a duty to take measures which anticipate prevent and attack the causes of environmental degradation prior to conclusive scientific proof that the threat will or does harm the environment. 3.2 The Polluter Pays Principle: the principle that those responsible for causing damage to the environment bear the responsibility for rectifying that damage. 3.3 Sustainable Development 3.4 Equity 3.5 Inter-generational Equity: the duty of all States to preserve and protect natural capital for the benefit of present and future generations 3.6 Liability: This Convention shall be without prejudice to the application of the rules of international law governing the liability of States 3.7 Relevant Scientific, Technical and Economic considerations: Implementation of this Convention shall be based on relevant scientific and technical considerations. Action shall be taken by the parties in accordance with the means at their disposal and their capabilities. 3.8 Clean Production 4. SPECIAL NEEDS OF CERTAIN CATEGORIES OF COUNTRIES, REGIONS AND AREAS 4.1 Small island_developing countries – low-lying coastal areas – arid and semi arid areas – tropical regions liable to flooding – areas liable to drought and desertification 4. 2 Entitlement to participate in the work of the Committees established to implement the Convention thus ensuring representation of the special needs 4.3 Financial assistance for adaptation strategies 4. 4 Financial and technical assistance for monitoring, observation and scientific research 4.5 Consideration of specific localised problems including coral bleaching, increasing hurricane intensity, hydrology and storm surges PART II. INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL COOPERATION 5. GENERAL OBJECTIVES 5.1 The Parties shall take all necessary measures in accordance with the terms of this Convention to ensure that human activities within their jurisdiction or control do not contribute to climate change 5.2 This Convention shall in no way affect the right of parties to adopt measures which go beyond its terms 6. GENERAL OBLIGATION OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION 6.1 Undertaking to cooperate with (i) other parties and (ii) the relevant competent international institutions to ensure: Effective implementation of the convention Sharing information monitoring and observation research into relevant areas implementation 7. DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED REGIONAL COOPERATION 7.1 Recognition that the impact of climate change will differ from region to region 7.2 Development of Regional Response Strategies promoting regional cooperation in relation to, inter alia, research, monitoring and observation, implementation 8. RESEARCH 8.1 Continue and, where appropriate, implement research programmes on (specify the full details of projects] the following: climate; atmospheric protection; the effects of human activity on climate, including, inter alia, land use and energy generation; the consequences of climate change for the global environment, regional environment and human society 8.2 Positive duty to promote research into technology and techniques which: minimise the effect of human activity on climate (“Abatement”) Allow human society to adapt to the predicted consequences of Climate Change (“Adaptation”) 8.3 Parties are encouraged to develop joint technology research proJects where Developed and Developing Countries work together to develop appropriate technologies and strategies PART III. MONITORING OBSERVATION AND INFORMATION SHARING AND DISSEMINATION 9. MONITORING AND OBSERVATION 9.1 Creation of climate change monitoring network through coordination of existing international regional and national climate data collection networks ‘ 9.2 The aim of the_network shall be to: record collate and assess data, to provide uniformed assessment criteria; to encourage improved harmonization of methods of measurement; to provide objective reliable and comparable information… 9.3 The network shall focus on: achieving a greater understanding of the mechanics of the world’s climate, Gas concentrations and emissions; the operation and state of sinks. Document continues. Download the PDF to read the full version
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