Climate Change
Climate change is one of the first issues AOSIS tackled when the coalition was formed 30 years ago. It has been instrumental in shaping the outcomes of COP 23 and the Paris Agreement, ensuring a strong focus on SIDS in the context of the Agreement. Following the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and formulation of the operational guidelines, its main priority is to ensure that global emissions pathways are consistent with reducing temperature rise well below 1.5oC, especially in the context of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5oC.
Sustainable Development
As SIDS have been globally recognized as a special case for sustainable development, AOSIS has been striving to ensure that the specific challenges they face are addressed, particularly through the implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway.
Ocean Conservation
Historically, SIDS have been stewards of large expanses of ocean, and in this regard recognize the significance of the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean. AOSIS was a strong proponent of the UN Oceans Conference in 2017 and continues this role in the lead up to the UN Ocean Conference in 2020.
AOSIS will continue to seek international cooperation and partners to maintain its capacity and build new capacity to address new challenges in these key areas and others as we help SIDS and other vulnerable states amplify their voices and make lasting environmental, socio-economic and geopolitical impact.