High-Level Side Event: Road to COP29: A Multilateral Approach to Climate Adaptation
September 27, 2024 The Honourable Thoriq Ibrahim, Minister of Climate Change Environment and Energy, Maldives Download PDFTopic: Climate

Statement on behalf of the Chair of AOSIS High-Level Side Event: Road to COP29: A Multilateral Approach to Climate Adaptation 26 September 2024, UN Headquarters Excellencies, distinguished panelists, esteemed colleagues, It is a privilege to address you today on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) at this critical juncture on the road to COP29. I extend my sincere appreciation to the COP29 Presidency and the Republic of Azerbaijan for convening this timely discussion on climate adaptation—a matter of existential importance for vulnerable nations, particularly small island developing states (SIDS). The Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) is a beacon of hope for communities on the frontlines of climate impacts. As we advance towards COP29, we must ensure that our discussions on the GGA are not only ambitious but grounded in the realities faced by those most affected by climate change. We are calling for the full implementation of the agreed global efforts set forth in the UAE Consensus, including the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience. Achieving the GGA requires concrete, accelerated action to finalize and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), ensuring that every country has the tools and resources to build climate resilience. For AOSIS, progress on NAPs is fundamental. We urge all stakeholders to work collaboratively, leveraging innovative approaches and ensuring that adaptation efforts are inclusive and context-specific, reflecting the unique vulnerabilities and strengths of small island developing nations. However, progress on adaptation is incomplete without addressing the persistent gap in adaptation finance. Small island states, despite contributing the least to climate change, are bearing its worst impacts. The financial barriers we face in accessing critical adaptation funding—from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Adaptation Fund (AF), and multilateral development banks—must be urgently dismantled. We call on our development partners to align their finance flows with the needs of the most vulnerable, ensuring that climate finance is predictable, accessible, and sufficient. COP29 offers us an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to a multilateral, equitable approach to adaptation, grounded in solidarity. As we look ahead, AOSIS stands ready to work with all stakeholders to build a more resilient and climate-adaptive future. Thank you.
Sub Topic: Adaptation