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AOSIS reacts to EU ratification of Paris Agreement
September 30, 2016

“The move by the EU demonstrates their continued role as an international climate change leader and brings us yet another step…

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AOSIS Leaders Gather at UNGA
September 26, 2016

In what has become something of an annual tradition, AOSIS leaders gathered on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly…

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World is racing against the clock and a thermometer
September 23, 2016

The Paris Agreement continued to amaze this week, with another 31 countries formally joining the treaty, including 8 AOSIS members—Tonga, Kiribati,…

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UPDATE: 30 Countries Complete Paris Agreement Ratification, 60 in total
September 21, 2016

UNITED NATIONS–An additional 30 countries from around the world completed the ratification process for the Paris Agreement today, including AOSIS members,…

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Press Release: Small Islands Call on All Countries to Ratify Paris Agreement as Entry Into Force Threshold Nears
September 21, 2016

UNITED NATIONS—Even as world leaders contemplate a proliferation of global challenges they face at the 71st United Nations General Assembly, the…

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Paris Agreement Ratification Moves to Global Stage
September 19, 2016

The high level segment of the 71st United Nations General Assembly opens today against the backdrop of compelling international challenges: Escalating…

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Brazil Brings World Another Step Closer to Ratification
September 14, 2016

There was positive climate change news this week, well, for a change. By completing the Paris Agreement ratification process on Monday,…

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New Analysis Backs Up Current Climate Impacts with Data
September 9, 2016

Remarkable advances in computing power have revealed how climate change is already impacting social life around the world. While it may…

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Climate change hits small island fisheries hard
September 7, 2016

Few places are more closely identified with marine resources than small island states. From traditional fisheries to larger operations to the…

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History Shows World Must Seize Opportunity Presented by US and China Ratification
September 6, 2016

News out of the G20 on Saturday that China and the United States ratified the Paris Agreement, presenting their official documents…

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