Our Blog

The Small Islands Climate Plan: SIDS Package
September 23, 2019

AOSIS has taken the unprecedented step of crafting a package of critical climate change initiatives to safeguard small island societies.

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Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity
August 8, 2019

UN report finds ecosystems never before under such threat and restoration is urgent

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One-Fourth of Pacific islanders live below ‘basic needs poverty lines’
July 20, 2019

While progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been made over the past four years, some vulnerable island States are losing momentum in the race to 2030.

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Jamaica Leads the Revolution in Caribbean Climate Change
July 20, 2019

Climate change is no longer a future event for tourism – it is altering the decisions of today’s travelers.

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International Hunt on For “Climate Change-Resilient” Grains
July 20, 2019

Researchers are scouring the planet for drought and heat-resistant crops as many Australian grain farmers face another failed winter season.

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Why is AOSIS Important?
July 10, 2019

Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) – A voice for the vulnerable.

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Washington Floods Expose a Double Threat: Old Drains and Climate Change
July 10, 2019

WASHINGTON — Heavy Rainfall shows just how vulnerable cities with aging water systems can be in the era of climate change.

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Climate Change: UK Government ‘Not Acting Fast Enough’
July 10, 2019

The UK government is facing a “get real” moment over global heating, its advisers have said.

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More data needed as UN Statistical Commission celebrates its 50th Session
March 5, 2019

STATEMENT More data needed as UN Statistical Commission celebrates its 50th Session 2019-03-05 Belize on behalf of AOSIS Download PDF Topic:…

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AOSIS@30 – Small Island Developing States
February 19, 2019

Opening Remarks by H.E. Ms. Lois M. Young at the AOSIS Launch Event

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