By: Website User

Statement by AOSIS on SIDS and Energy for Sustainable Deelopment
March 28, 1995

STATEMENT Statement by AOSIS on SIDS and Energy for Sustainable Deelopment 1995-03-28 Ambassador Tuiloma Neroni Slade Download PDF Topic: Climate Mr….

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AOSIS presents a draft protocol to the UNFCCC on GHG emissions reductions
February 8, 1995

SUBMISSION AOSIS presents a draft protocol to the UNFCCC on GHG emissions reductions 1995-02-08 Ambassador Annette des Iles of Trinidad and…

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AOSIS presents a Draft Protocol to the UNFCCC
February 6, 1995

SUBMISSION AOSIS presents a Draft Protocol to the UNFCCC 1995-02-06 Trinidad and Tobago on behalf of AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Climate…

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Criteria for Joint Implementation under the Negotiating Committee for the Climate Change Convention
February 7, 1994

SUBMISSION Criteria for Joint Implementation under the Negotiating Committee for the Climate Change Convention February 07, 1994 Trinidad and Tobago on…

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An Insurance mechanism for the consequences of sea level rise
December 9, 1991

SUBMISSION An Insurance mechanism for the consequences of sea level rise 1991-12-09 Vanuatu on behalf of AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Climate…

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Creating the Framework Convention on Climate Change
December 9, 1991

STATEMENT Creating the Framework Convention on Climate Change 1991-12-09 Vanuatu on behalf of AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Climate Statement on commitments…

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The 1991 Proposal on Elements for a Framework Convention on Climate Change
June 4, 1991

SUBMISSION The 1991 Proposal on Elements for a Framework Convention on Climate Change 1991-06-04 Vanuatu on behalf of AOSIS Download PDF…

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