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A Workplan For Survival
August 16, 2012

Perhaps the biggest challenge hanging over the international climate negotiations is the imperative need to ramp up mitigation ambition as quickly…

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Here we go again: KP on the chopping block
August 16, 2012

The legal cornerstone of the international effort to address climate change is on the chopping block as parties prepare for the…

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Loss & Damage
August 16, 2012

AOSIS’s Loss and Damage proposal received heightened attention at the UNFCCC meeting in Bonn last June, but the concept of having…

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Small Islands and Food Security
August 16, 2012

Rising seas and super-charged hurricanes may be the most dramatic of the risks small islands states face from climate change, but…

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Small Islands Call For Research On Survival Threshold
August 14, 2012

Ambassador Marlene Moses, Permanent Representative to the United Nations for the Republic of Nauru and chair of the Alliance of Small…

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Bonn Must Prioritise Ambition and Environmental Integrity
August 14, 2012

On the eve of the first round of climate talks since last December’s Durban Climate Change Conference, Ambassador Marlene Moses, Chair…

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Coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
August 14, 2012

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NOAA Ocean Acidification Demonstration
August 14, 2012

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The need for small steps toward realism
August 14, 2012

By Marlene Moses The last round of United Nations climate negotiations, before the major annual meeting begins next month in Durban, South…

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NASA Video Illustrates 130 Years of Global Warming
July 27, 2012

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