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Deadly heat wave in India wave adds urgency to UN climate talks
May 27, 2015

The record heat wave in India this week, which sent temperatures soaring to an astonishing 50 degrees Celsius and killed more…

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ClimateWire… Maldives: Paris deal must give islands a ‘sense of security’
May 26, 2015

By Lisa Friedman, E&E reporter Published: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 More than 25 years ago, the Indian Ocean archipelago nation of…

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US News & World Report Features AOSIS Commentary
April 22, 2015

[In the midst of U.N. talks over FFD on the road to Addis Ababa, and on Earth Day, the prestigious American…

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Climate finance is not Overseas Development Assistance
April 21, 2015

STATEMENT Climate finance is not Overseas Development Assistance 2015-04-21 AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Sustainable Development 1. I have the honour to…

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Big Emitters Starting to Move on iNDCs
March 31, 2015

The United States, the world’s second largest emitter and first largest historic emitter, submitted its iNDC  to the U.N. Framework Convention…

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AOSIS Ambassadors Hold Special Meeting on Vanuatu Cyclone Recovery
March 25, 2015

UNITED NATIONS—Ambassadors from the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) met here today to discuss Vanuatu’s recovery efforts after Cyclone Pam…

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Maldives Environment Minister Addresses Sendai in Wake of Cyclone Pam
March 17, 2015

Against the backdrop of the death and destruction Cyclone Pam caused in AOSIS member state, Vanuatu, the Maldives Environment Minister, Thoriq…

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Heavy storm damage to small island nation will affect Paris talks, diplomats say
March 17, 2015

FROM CLIMATEWIRE Lisa Friedman, E&E reporter Published: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 The mounting death toll and devastation in Vanuatu since Cyclone Pam…

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Vanuatu Devastated By Cyclone Pam
March 16, 2015

The unprecedented power of Cyclone Pam, which left at least 6 dead and tore a swath of destruction across the Pacific…

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Geneva Takes a Step on the Road to Paris
February 13, 2015

Geneva—At the conclusion of the United Nations climate change negotiations here, the first in a series of meetings this year designed…

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