By: Website User

Paris Was Just The Beginning of Climate Change Struggle
August 15, 2016

(Pic: Nattu/Flickr) First Published in Climate Home Thoriq Ibrahim For all the progress made in the Paris Agreement, there was always…

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Media Advisory: Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C
August 11, 2016

**Media Advisory** Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C UNITED NATIONS–Understanding the…

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Sea Level Rise is Accelerating; Time for Action
August 10, 2016

(NASA graph shows loss of ice in Greenland Ice Sheet) In it’s State of the Climate report released last week, NOAA…

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HLPF Ministerial Segment Opens at UN Today
July 18, 2016

The Ministerial Segment of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum began today at New York Headquarters. H.E. Thoriq Ibrahim, the Maldives’…

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Groundhog Day All Over Again
May 20, 2016

Bonn, Germany—Welcome to Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early end to winter back in February, and indeed the weather has…

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UN talks must deliver clean power surge
May 17, 2016

From Climate Home By Thoriq Ibrahim The United Nations climate change agreement reached in Paris last year marked the culmination of over…

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Small islands call on countries to accelerate climate action
May 16, 2016

“The solutions to climate change are more cost effective than ever and success stories for effective action abound. The only question…

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AOSIS Members Join Secretary General in Early Ratification Event
April 22, 2016

UNITED NATIONS—On the sidelines of the Paris Climate Change Agreement ceremony here today, where a record 167 countries will sign the…

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World Gathers to Sign Historic Climate Treaty
April 22, 2016

UNITED NATIONS–Today some 160 countries from around the world are gathered here at the signing ceremony for the historic Paris Climate…

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Critical Week For Sustainable Development and Climate at the UN
April 21, 2016

In a watershed moment for international cooperation, global political, business and civil society leaders are in to New York where they…

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