By: Website User

Oceans Day 2021 – Messages from Custodians of the Ocean
June 8, 2021

Oceans Day 2021 – Messages from Custodians of the Ocean For World Oceans Day, a Small Island States’ stand against plastic…

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Launch of Ocean Day Plastic Pollution Declaration
June 1, 2021

Launch of Ocean Day Plastic Pollution Declaration June 1, 2021   Download PDF We are deeply concerned about the widespread and…

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AOSIS Opening Statement at UNFCCC Virtual Subsidiary Body Meetings
May 31, 2021

AOSIS Opening Statement at UNFCCC Virtual Subsidiary Body Meetings May 31, 2021 SPEAKER: HE Ambassador Diann-Black Layne, AOSIS Lead Negotiator on…

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AOSIS Chair Goals 2021-2022
April 26, 2021

AOSIS Chair Goals 2021-2022 1. Amplify our leadership Representing and uniting the voices of small island states Facilitate an AOSIS Heads…

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AOSIS Statement – ECOSOC Special Meeting on SIDS
April 23, 2021

AOSIS Statement – ECOSOC Special Meeting on SIDS April 23, 2021 SPEAKER: HE Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda…

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Small Island States make impassioned plea at Biden’s Climate Summit
April 22, 2021

Small Island States make impassioned plea at Biden’s Climate Summit April 22, 2021 Washington DC – 22 April 2021 – Small…

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AOSIS Statement at US Leaders Summit on Climate
April 22, 2021

AOSIS Statement at US Leaders Summit on Climate April 20 — 22, Speaker: HE Gaston Browne, Prime minister of Antiqua &…

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Financing the Recovery from COVID-19
April 12, 2021

Financing the Recovery from COVID-19 April 23, 2021 FORUM: 2021 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development MEETING: Special Segment on Financing…

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Small Island States call for a systemic debt shake up at IMF and World Bank Meetings
April 8, 2021

Small Island States call for a systemic debt shake up at IMF and World Bank Meetings April 8, 2021 New York…

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Debt-for-Climate Swaps for Small Island Developing States: An Innovative Approach to Preventing a SIDS Debt Crisis
April 7, 2021

Mounting debt levels is arguably one of the most important factors that impede development and perpetuate poverty. There are now a number of initiatives to assuage the debt burden of the most indebted poor countries…

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