By: Website User

AOSIS calls for full implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs
March 17, 2022

STATEMENT AOSIS calls for full implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs 2022-03-17 AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Sustainable Development…

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Climate Finance for Sustaining International Peace & Security – Arria Formula Discussion
March 9, 2022

STATEMENT Climate Finance for Sustaining International Peace & Security – Arria Formula Discussion 2022-03-09 Honourable EP Chet Greene, Minister of Foreign…

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SIDS Survival Means Keeping 1.5 Alive
February 28, 2022

SIDS Survival Means Keeping 1.5 Alive Download PDF PRESS RELEASE IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) 2022 Working Group II Report: Impacts,…

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Gender Responsive Climate Actions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
February 1, 2022

DOCUMENT Gender Responsive Climate Actions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 2022-02-01 UNDP, AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Climate Introduction: Small Island…

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AOSIS outlines important SIDS issues to reflect in the UN Secretary General’s priorities for 2022
January 21, 2022

STATEMENT AOSIS outlines important SIDS issues to reflect in the UN Secretary General’s priorities for 2022 2022-01-21 H E. Conrod Hunte,…

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AOSIS welcomes the UN Task Force created to finalize the Multi-dimensional Vulnerability Index
January 19, 2022

STATEMENT AOSIS welcomes the UN Task Force created to finalize the Multi-dimensional Vulnerability Index 2022-01-19 H E. Walton Webson, Permanent Representative…

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AOSIS congratulates Pakistan on assuming the G77&China Chairmanship
January 14, 2022

STATEMENT AOSIS congratulates Pakistan on assuming the G77&China Chairmanship 2022-01-14 H E. Walton Webson, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to…

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As The COP26 Smoke Clears, Rhetoric Must Become Real Action
December 28, 2021

At COP26, the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), fought for the interests of small islands and climate vulnerable states. As Chair, I can say that our membership was forced to make compromises to ensure that the world received a climate pact that keeps us on the essential pathway of 1.5°C. It seems we small islands are always called on to compromise, to pay a high price for a crisis not of our making.

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Analysis-In 2021, governments blew hot on 1.5C goal, colder on climate action
December 20, 2021

“(We) did witness a clear shift from other countries to support keeping 1.5C alive,” said U.N. ambassador Aubrey Webson of Antigua and Barbuda, who chairs the Alliance of Small Island States, uniting 39 nations from the Pacific to the Caribbean.
Webson said the new high-level momentum behind 1.5C – as seen among leaders this year, from the G7 and G20 summits to the COP26 U.N. climate talks – must be matched by rapid action.
“Rhetoric and pledges without implementation are fool’s gold for small islands,”

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Who will pay for the damage caused by climate change?
December 15, 2021

“When countries lose their islands because of sea level rise and extreme events, they are losing their culture and traditions. There is no adapting to that,” says Le-Anne Roper, coordinator for loss and damage at the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).

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