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Sir Molwyn stresses needs of SIDS in statement to Oceans Conference dialogue
June 30, 2022STATEMENT Sir Molwyn stresses needs of SIDS in statement to Oceans Conference dialogue June 30, 2022 Sir Molwyn Joseph, Minister of…
Read MoreAOSIS seeks to strengthen international cooperation in support of Blue Economy
June 29, 2022REPORT AOSIS seeks to strengthen international cooperation in support of Blue Economy June 29, 2022 AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Oceans Panel…
Read MoreEvent planned for launch of declaration at UN Ocean Conference
June 27, 2022STATEMENT Event planned for launch of declaration at UN Ocean Conference June 27, 2022 Minister of Environment Sir Molwyn Joseph, Antigua…
Read MoreIsland nations issue declaration calling for support in marine protection
June 27, 2022STATEMENT Island nations issue declaration calling for support in marine protection June 27, 2022 AOSIS Download PDF Topic: Oceans Recognizing the…
Read MoreAOSIS addresses harmful impact of plastic pollution at Oceans Conference
June 27, 2022STATEMENT AOSIS addresses harmful impact of plastic pollution at Oceans Conference June 27, 2022 Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Environment, Molwyn…
Read MoreRich Countries’ ‘Hypocrisy’ Blocks Progress on Climate Disaster Funding, Negotiators Say
June 17, 2022“The Glasgow Dialogue appears to be a stand-alone dialogue with no clear destination,” said Antigua and Barbuda climate negotiator Michai Robertson, speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).
Read MoreClimate compensation fight looms over Egypt summit
June 17, 2022“The climate emergency is fast becoming a catastrophe. Yet within these walls, the process feels out of step with reality and the pace is definitely too slow,” Conrod Hunte, the lead negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island States, told the Bonn closing plenary on Thursday.
Read MoreDeveloping countries left ‘disappointed’ at climate talks
June 17, 2022“We are disappointed by the lack of substantive progress,” said the representative of Antigua and Barbados speaking on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).
He said countries were still waiting for assurances that “the finance we need now will be delivered at speed, or any time by 2025”.
Climate change: Bonn talks end in acrimony over compensation
June 17, 2022“The climate emergency is fast becoming a catastrophe,” said Conrod Hunte, lead negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).
“Yet within these walls the process feels out of step with reality, the pace feels too slow,” he told delegates at the end of the meeting.
Rich countries are called to help the poorest face climate change
June 17, 2022“We were offered a process that does not offer a clear objective or vision,” lamented Michai Robertson, representative of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).
Currently, the aid is “a drop in the bucket” compared to the cost of damage, he added.