AOSIS comments on the findings of the IPCC’s Third Assessment Report
1998-06-02 AOSIS Download PDFTopic: Climate
AOSIS members wishes to express their sincere appreciation to the excellent work done to date by the IPCC and its Bureau. It noted with appreciation the information provided by the Chairman and the Chairman-elect at the present sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC, particularly regarding the Third Assessment Report (TAR). AOSIS gives its full support to the on-going and valuable work of the IPCC and re-iterates the need for the IPCC to continue to maintain its independent and non-political role in fulfilling its mandate. On the financial contributions to the work of the IPCC, AOSIS wishes to thank parties that contributes to the IPCC Trust Fund which allowed experts from developing countries, including AOSIS experts, to participate in the work of the IPCC. AOSIS urges these Parties to continue to provide adequate funding to the Trust Fund to ensure the further involvement of experts from non-Annex Parties in the future work of the IPCC. AOSIS requests that the IPCC, in carrying out its work, to cooperate closely with other international organizations such as the World Meteorological Program (WMO) involved in international research programs to advance our understanding of the climate system and its response to climate change. AOSIS gives its full support to the Climate Agenda program. Regarding the TAR, AOSIS noted with satisfaction the regional emphasis on the report and the efforts by the IPCC to fully involved experts from non-Annex I country parties. AOSIS requests the IPCC to address the following issues in the TAR. The IPCC to further narrow down the remaining uncertainties in the IPCC projections and scenarios. The ranges used by the IPCC in past reports and papers are based on collective judgment of IPCC authors and reviewers of each chapters and papers. AOSIS sees the need for the IPCC to develop and draw formal methodologies to achieve more consistency in setting criteria for high and low range limits. On computer modeling, AOSIS requests the IPCC to put more efforts to narrow down grid box scales to smaller scales in order for these models to be meaningful and applicable to AOSIS members. Provision of accurate information and analysis on the effectiveness and implications of proposed PAMs to mitigate and adapt to climate change and sea level rise, in particular the socio-economic implications including losses incurred by implementing PAMs in Annex I parties. Put more efforts on assessment of regional impacts and responses to climate change and sea level rise particularly adaptation options. Of particular importance to AOSIS is the need to further improve our understanding of the role of the oceans in determining the response time of the climate system. In this regard, efforts gear towards further understanding regional weather patterns which have major influence on AOSIS members (e.g. El Nino Southern Oscillation, Tropical cyclones etc.) should be of high priority for the work of the IPCC. Structure of TAR could be improved. AOSIS expresses concerns on the structure of past papers and reports. It took a great deal of effort to synthesize these into manageable sections.
Sub Topic: Science
Meeting: SB8